Wednesday, July 7, 2004

Nephews are great!

nephews.jpgHere are our adorable nephews watching the fire trucks in the Edmond 4th of July parade. Why are nephews so great you may ask? Well... I had given up on the notion of ever being an aunt since my only sibling is 17 (love you Bubby!). So whenever I married into Ben's family it was so much fun automatically getting the title of 'Aunt Monica'! Weston just turned 6 & Garrett is 4. They are two of the craziest kids I've ever seen & so much fun to spend time with (a few times a year:)

We get to hear all the funny stories, buy them all the toys we really wanted when we were kids & the best part is @ the end of the day they are still Sarah & David's boys - not ours. Ben & I figure that we won't be pressured to have kids for awhile since there are already two little boys & Joel & Rachel can start their family soon. We'll just be in the background & by the time Mark has kids all the other grandkids will be in college (jk Mark;) For those of you that don't know, here's the line-up of Ben's siblings: Sarah-30, Joel-29, Mark-25, Ben-23.

On my side of the family it's just me & Bubby & my parents have made it perfectly clear that they're not ready to be grandma & grandpa yet - whew!

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