Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One Year Ago...

Last year on this day, we were in Dublin, Ireland, for St. Patrick's Day. Today is a little bittersweet as I am aware that we are not in Ireland and are not going to be missionaries there, as far as we know.

If you have a chance, read the story of St. Patrick today. He was a prisoner in Ireland for several years before he escaped, only to move back as a missionary. Pretty bold guy! His missionary efforts were unusual in the sense that he didn't seek to change everything about the barbaric religions in Ireland in an instant; rather, he came alongside them with a new religion and let it mingle with their religions and customs. St. Patrick was not really following the missions model of his day. I love his patience with culture and his respect for it. I think we often try to change things too quick and can embitter and harden people with rushing into things.

Last year on this day, old people were selling shamrocks to us on the trains and we were on the coast of Ireland overlooking the sea. It was a great day with friends and family! Today, we both wore green and sat waiting for a freight train to go by on our way to work.

One year ago...

1 comment:

  1. so i know i'm a little behind in my response, but...

    i missed ya'll on st paddy's day too. and i miss you now in dublin. but it sounds like you and ben are making some really awesome changes, i'm so happy for ya'll!!! and what in the world is japanese reiki?
