Monday, August 14, 2006

It Finally Catches Up to Me

So, I have a paper for group counseling due Wednesday. Since it is a counseling paper, I do all my research in the U of M Library and not Harding. So, I check the hours and guess what? It closes at 5 PM (10 minutes ago) and is closed tomorrow so the library staff can have a retreat tomorrow. WHAT IN THE WORLD? HOW IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?

Well, I deserve it. I have been procrastinating too long on my stuff lately and I deserved for this to happen to me, but I am still boiling mad. I have a plan B, though, and it involves, finding somewhere that has internet, and taking it as it comes. Plan C involves finding a diamond, a suction cup, and some black clothes to sneak into the U of M library.

In a way, I am kind of glad this is happening. Maybe I’ll get my rear in gear earlier from now on—I doubt it!

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