Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Nothing and Yet Everything in Particular

In no order at all, these are things that have happened recently:

*Monica's parents came to down for a weekend visit.
*The Minors flew to Memphis just to have dinner with us.
*We are training Cali to be a dog, and not our human child.
*I changed the spark plugs in my truck (8 of them—took me 4 hours).
*We fought about money.
*Monica liked Click, I didn't, but we both liked Thank You for Smoking.
*Home group is awesome!
*I have an internship lined up for next semester.
*Both our cars passed inspection and we paid $216 to Memphis for our tags.
*I took a midterm.
*Joe's Crab Shack closed downtown.
*We watched the entire first season of the show 24 in a week.
*We made it to Bible class 1 out the last 4 Sundays, but they now know our names at Starbuck's.

WE ARE AWESOME! Life is a lot of fun and Memphis is a pretty cool town. It is impossible to keep this blog updated with all the crazy things we do. If we can ever get some time we'll be a little more detailed about our lives, but right now, this is the best we can do!

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