Between Monica and me, we have taken three finals and turned in a project this week and we are finally finished. That leaves Monica with one more class that she is taking next semester, and me with 4 or 5 more semesters. As usual, I hit that part in the semester where I didn’t want to be in school and I was ready to quit—perhaps you’ve been there! However, I came out ahead and got myself one step closer to the “you’re so close to the degree, so don’t quit now mark.”
Now, I am going to devote my time to the Christmas versus Holiday struggle going on in the world today. I will now provide you with a top ten list of why it doesn’t really matter:
10. The majority of the world does not know what Christmas means anyway.
9. Wal-Mart and Target can make just as much money off “Holiday” items as they do off “Christmas” items.
8. There is no way we’re going to have a day named “Holiday Day”-it just sounds retarded.
7. For that matter, who is going to sing “O Holiday Tree” or “I’m Getting Nuttin' for Holiday.”
6. The people who don’t want it called Christmas do not celebrate it as a religious holiday anyway.
5. On December 26th when everyone wakes up, no one will care anymore.
4. You can’t take the Christ out of Christmas anymore than you can take the Holy out of Holiday (oh, the irony of etymology).
3. The better approach would be to combine it with another holiday like they do on The OC (a teen drama on Fox) and call it Chrismukkah—but then Messianic Jews (Jews for Jesus) would have it too easy.
2. It really wasn’t Jesus birthday anyway, just ask any member of the Church of Christ.
1. We have bigger issues in the US, like the breakup of model marriages of Nick and Jessica, Britney and Kevin, Brad and Jennifer. . .